Bitumen is a pasty black substance and is mainly used in insulation and construction of asphalt. Bitumen is of various types, each of which has different specific uses.
More specifically, bitumen is a pasty and colloidal hydrocarbon compound with natural or refined origin.
Bitumen is a substance showing a specific behavior at any temperature regarding physical behavior. It does not behave like an elastic substance at ambient temperature, nor as a viscous substance. Its behavior includes a combination of these two modes, i.e. viscoelastic behavior.
Bitumen is a petroleum product and is often produced in refineries. It is solid at ambient temperature and becomes pasty with increase in the ambient temperature. It becomes liquid if we increase the ambient temperature a lot.
Impermeability to water and viscosity are properties that bring about numerous uses for this substance.
The bitumen extracted from oil or special minerals is named pure bitumen. It is categorized based on the formation origin. Pure bitumen is exposed to some processes to be used in different applications to achieve the required properties. There are different types of pure bitumen, such as blown bitumen, solution bitumen, emulsion bitumen, polymer bitumen, etc.
It is a type of bitumen formed in the oxidation process of vacuum bottom with a penetration grade of 40-50.
The specifications of bitumen 40/50:
This bitumen has a penetration grade of 60-70; the bitumen 60/70 specifications are provided in the table below.
The specifications of bitumen 60/70:
This bitumen has a penetration grade of 85-100; the bitumen 85/100 specifications are provided in the table below.
The specifications of bitumen 85/100: